Monday, May 4, 2020

[Bachelor Degree] Universitas Pertahanan (UNHAN) Scholarship Program 2020, Indonesia

(UNHAN) is a State University that organizes academic and vocational education as well as professional education in the field of national defense and bela negara
General Requirements
  • Indonesian citizens (WNI), male and female.
  • Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind.
  • Graduated from a SMA/Equal with science major, graduated in 2019 or 2020.
  • Never failing a grade while in SMA/Equal
  • High school report card grades / semester level I until V average above 80 and prioritized students who enter the 10 (ten) best high school / level concerned in semester V.
  • Minimum Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test score of 120.
  • Maximum age of 20 years when entering education (July 2020).
  • Have a minimum height of 160 cm for men and 155 cm for women and proportional weight.
  • Passed administrative selection, Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), Saintek Academic Ability Test (TKA) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), psychological tests, medical tests and interviews conducted by the Pertahanan University.
  • Able to operate computers (office and internet applications).
  • Willing to be placed anywhere as a  Pertahanan Intellectual Cadre of the State if at any time the state requires.
  • Willing to sign a student contract agreement and a statement.
  • Approval of parents / guardians, willing to live in a dormitory, and be able to comply with the rules of the Defense University.
  • List of conversion values ​​and diplomas legalized by the Ministry of Education and Culture for foreign high school level schools or local education offices for prospective students who come from high schools with international school backgrounds in the country.
  • Willing to not get married and not pregnant while attending education.
  • Not currently receiving another scholarship and will not receive another scholarship while attending education.

Special Requirements
  • Medical Education Study Program : The final report card in biology and mathematics is at least 90.
  • Pharmacy Study Program : Final Report Score Chemistry and Mathematics of at least 90.
  • Biology Study Program : The final report card in biology and mathematics is at least 90.
  • Mathematics Study Program : Final math report card grade of at least 90.
  • Chemistry Study Program : The final report card in chemistry and mathematics is at least 90.
  • Physics Study Program : The final report card in physics and mathematics is at least 90.
  • Informatics Engineering Study Program : The final report card in physics and mathematics is at least 90.
  • Electronic Engineering Study Program : The final report card in physics and mathematics is at least 90.
  • Mechanical Engineering Study Program : The final report card in physics and mathematics is at least 90.
  • Military Building Construction Engineering Study Program : The final report card in physics and mathematics is at least 90.

How to Apply:
Please visit HERE for information how to apply. Visit HERE for applying.

17 May 2020
