Friday, December 6, 2019

Council Of Europe Youth Program 2020, France (Fully Funded)

Since October 2014, Congress has invited young people from different backgrounds – youth activists, youth workers, students to take part in its sessions, to have their say in the debates and to exchange with Congress members on the issues on the agenda.

As part of its “Rejuvenating politics” initiative, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe will invite one young person per member State to: come to Strasbourg (France) to take an active part, as a youth delegate, in its 38th (17-19 March) and 39th (27-29 October) sessions and develop their own grass-roots project back home (under the Congress’ aegis).


  • Travel, 
  • subsistence, and accommodation
The youth delegates’ travel and subsistence expenses will be covered by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities according to the Council of Europe’s rules.

Accommodation will be provided and paid for by the organizers, in single-occupancy or shared rooms according to availability. The organizers cannot cover the cost of accommodation elsewhere.
Aims And Objectives:
By inviting a number of young people to take an active part in its 38th and 39th sessions the Congress aims to give young people an opportunity to express their opinions about all the issues being discussed directly to the local and regional elected representatives.
The specific objectives are to:
  • involve young people directly in all aspects of the Congress’ work;
  • make young people aware of the Congress’ work and the tools it has developed to support youth participation;
  • discuss with young people how local and regional youth participation can be boosted;
  • bring the youth perspective to all thematic debates within the Congress;
  • motivate the youth delegates to multiply the information and experience acquired during the sessions on their return home in particular through the development and implementation of their own projects at local and regional levels;
  • Share information about existing models of youth-led structures and motivate young people to spread the word about Congress’ work;
  • promote co-operation between members of the Congress and youth delegates;
  • show national delegations the importance of officially including more young people as members.
All youth delegates should:
  • be open, committed and motivated to develop and strengthen dialogue between young people and elected representatives at local/regional level;
  • be between 18 and 30 years old;
  • hold the passport of, and live in, the country they will represent;
  • be active in youth work at local and regional levels;
  • be available to engage in the whole of the activity including the preparation of grass-roots projects;
  • have an interest in actively participating in policy-making at local and/or regional levels but not be an elected representative;
  • be able to multiply the information obtained during the session on their return home
  • have good writing and public speaking skills
  • be committed to working in an intercultural team;
  • not have participated in the initiative previously;
  • speak English fluently;

03 January 2020
