Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Human Rights Prize of the French Republic by the Prime Minister of the French Government 2019 (€70,000 prize)

Applications are now open for the 2019 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Human Rights Prize of the French Republic, awarded by the Prime Minister of the French Government. This Prize, created in 1988, is awarded in recognition and support for the completion of individual or collective projects carried out in the field, in France or abroad, regardless of nationality or borders, to promote and protect human rights.

Award Themes
The themes for the 2019 Awards are:
  • Theme 1: Young Human Rights Defenders
  • Theme 2: The Duty of Brotherhood


  • The five prize winners will be invited to Paris for the official ceremony
  • They will receive a medal and share a total sum of €70,000, awarded by the CNCDH and to be used to implement their projects
  • Five runners-up will be awarded a “special mention” medal by the French ambassador in their country of origin

  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individual candidates, regardless of nationality or borders, should present an application on one of the two themes for 2019
  • Application should include a field initiative or project to be implemented in France or abroad.

How to Apply:

The application, which must be written in French, must include:
  • A letter of application presented and signed by the president or legal representative of the NGO concerned, or by the individual candidate.
  • The application form, which is attached to this call for applications and can be downloaded from the CNCDH website: http://www.cncdh.fr/fr/prix/prix-des-droits-de-lhomme. or
  • The application must present, in detail, the actions carried out by the association or individual.
  • A presentation of the NGO concerned (statutes, operations, etc.), where appropriate.
  • The postal address and bank details of the NGO or the individual candidate.

14 October 2019

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