Wednesday, June 12, 2019

[Ongoing Bachelor Degree] BCA Finance Peduli Scholarship 2019 For Indonesian Student, Indonesia

PT BCA Finance as one of the leading finance companies in Indonesia realizes that the continuity of the Company's business cannot be separated from the role and contribution of the community. Therefore, the Company is committed to conducting community social development and improving the quality of education for the poor through the BCA Finance Care Scholarship Program which has been held since 2009.

Joint us on whatsapp, telegram, LINE

  • This program is sustainable by providing financial assistance study for:
  • Rp. 3,000,000 (Three Million Rupiah) per semester
    with the period of granting funding assistance starting from at least semester 2 to adjusting the length of completion of the study period / lecture (maximum semester 8).


The minimum requirements must be met by prospective recipients
BCA Finance Scholarships are as follows:
  • Students of PTN / PTS all majors in Indonesia who take Undergraduate program (S-1).
  • S1 active students who have completed a minimum of 2 semesters of study and no more than semester 8. So the scholarship will cover the study period from semester 3 to semester 8.
  • State Universities (PTN) minimum GPA of 3.20; IPS last 3.00 and
    Private Universities (PTS) minimum GPA of 3.40; Final IPS 3.2.
  • Attach an Inadequate Certificate (SKTM) from the Kelurahan in accordance with the area of ​​origin on the KTP.
  • Attach a certificate from the Faculty stating that Students who are not currently receiving scholarships from other places.
  • Actively Organizing (Student / Youth Organization / Non Organizations Other Politics).
  • Never been involved in criminal cases / civil cases, as well as drug abuse (narcotics, psychotropic substances and addictive substances).

How to Apply:

  • Participants register themselves online via the following link:
  • After completing the online registration, Participants will receive a registration number and must do the psychotest through the link provided.
  • Participants who pass the stage I selection are required to send the documents (softcopy) required for selection and verification in the stage II selection.

28 June 2019

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