Thursday, May 16, 2019

[Bachelor Degree] Tazkia Sharia Scholarship 2019 Batch 2, Indonesia (Full and Partial Funded)

The first Islamic College in Indonesia that was certified ISO 9001: 2008 for management and education systems with the title “Good” and accredited “Good” by the Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Religion of the Republic Indonesia (BAN-PT No.418/SK/BAN PT/Accredited/PT/XII/2018).
Study Program
  • Sharia Economics
    • “Sharia Economics Department offers three concentration : Islamic Development Economy, Islamic Moneter Finance, Islamic Digital Economy.”
  • Sharia Accounting
    • “Sharia Accounting Department offers three concentration : Information System, Auditing, Islamic Banking information System.”
  • Sharia Business and Management
    • “Sharia Business and Management Department offers three concentration : Islamic banking and Finance, Islamic Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Islamic Digital Marketing
  • Sharia Economics Law
    • “Sharia economics and Business Law Department.”
  • Sharia Economic Education
    • Sharia Economics Education”

  • The BEST recipient (Tazkia Sharia Economic Scholarship) can attend education at STEI Tazkia with one of the following scholarship categories:
    • Platinum: 100% Education Fee Scholarship for 8 semesters (UKT)
    • Gold: Scholarship 75% Tuition Fee for 8 semesters (UKT)
    • Silver: 50% Education Fee Scholarship for 8 semesters (UKT)
  • Participants who fail at the administrative selection stage can be accepted through a non-test report card with the following:
    • Wave 1: 75% of the base fee (development fee)
    • Wave 2: 50% of the base fee (development fee)
    • Wave 3: 25% of the base fee (development fee)
  • Participants who fail the interview selection stage can be accepted through report cards without testing in the following categories:
    • Jauhar: 100% of the base fee (development fee)
    • Dinar: 75% of the base fee (development fee)
    • Dirham: 50% of the base fee (development fee)
  • Scholarship recipients upon receipt must sign a scholarship agreement contract.
  • Scholarship Line Selection Fee Rp.0, -

  • Muslim or Muslimah have good character
  • The average value of Mathematics, English and Religious subjects from class X to XI Minimum 3.2 (curriculum 2013) or 80 (curriculum 2006)
  • Pass administration selection and interview selection

How to Apply:
  • Fill out the registration form at and submit the administration file as follows:
    • Photocopy of report cards From Grade X to XI
    • Personal Resume (CV)
    • Photocopy of certificate obtained from academic or non-academic achievements or hafizh qur'an certificate (if any)
    • Photo of Front View House
    • Identity Card (KTP/SIM/Passport)

25 May 2019
