Saturday, February 9, 2019

[Bachelor Degree] University of Islam Indonesia - Hafidz Alquran Scholarship , Indonesia (Full and Partial Funded)

For the New Student Admissions academic year 2019/2020, the Indonesian Islamic Universit provides opportunities for new Bachelor (S1) and Diploma (D3) students to get tuition assistance through the selection of scholarship programs in accordance with the provisions. The scholarship programs offered include: Hafiz Alquran Scholarships 15 juz and 30 juz
The target of this scholarship program is new UII Academic Year 2019/2020 students who have a high ability to memorize the Koran at least 15 juz and have high academic abilities.

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Type of Scholarship:

This scholarship consists of 2 (two) types, namely:
  • Hafiz Alquran 30 Juz Scholarship
  • Hafiz Alquran 15 Juz Scholarship
1. Hafiz Alquran 30 Juz Scholarship Components
As a recipient of the 30 juz Hafiz Alquran Scholarship, students are entitled to get a scholarship which includes:
  • Free of education at UII
  • Free of Chess Darma Funds
  • Life Cost Assistance of Rp. 450,000 (four hundred thousand rupiahs) per month.

2. Hafiz Alquran 15 Juz Scholarship Components
As a recipient of the 15 juz Hafiz Alquran Scholarship, students are entitled to receive scholarships including:
  • Free tuition fees at UII
  • Free of Chess Darma Funds
The details and amount of funds as referred to earlier are determined by the Chancellor's Decision based on the proposal of the scholarship manager (Directorate of Student Development - DPK UII)

Requirement :
1. Hafiz Alquran 30 Juz Scholarship
Registration requirements for the Hafiz Alquran 30 Juz Scholarship
  • It was stated that they passed the selection as prospective students of UII Academic Year 2019/2020 through the selection path of Hafiz Alquran Tracking (PHA).
  • Prospective students who memorized 30 juz were proven by the conviction of the murshid / caregiver.
  • Submit recommendations from murshid / caregivers.
  • Pass the memorization test and interview selection conducted by the Examination Team that has been appointed by UII.
  • Not a recipient of a scholarship from another source.

2. Hafiz Alquran 15 Juz
Registration requirements for Hafiz Alquran 15 Juz Scholarship
  • It was stated that they passed the selection as prospective students of UII Academic Year 2019/2020 through the selection path of Hafiz Alquran Tracking (PHA).
  • Prospective students who memorized 15 juz were proven by the conviction of the murshid / caregiver.
  • Submit recommendations from murshid / caregivers.
  • Pass the memorization test and interview selection conducted by the Examination Team that has been appointed by UII.
  • Not a recipient of a scholarship from another source.  
How to Apply:
In general, the registration mechanism for participating in the selection of the Hafiz Alquran Scholarship is to follow the registration and selection process on the Hafiz Alquran Tracking(PHA)  pattern in accordance with applicable regulations.
Please visit HERE for applying via Hafiz Alquran Tracking (PHA)
Deadline:Hafiz Alquran Scholarship Selection includes memorization tests and interviews, and is held in conjunction with the PHA selection pattern (see full schedule in the Selection Pattern Chapter):
  • Wave 1: March 6, 2019
  • Wave 2: June 17, 2019
Note: If the quota of Hafiz Alquran Scholarship recipients for the study program has been fulfilled in Wave 1, then the quota is not opened for Wave 2 selection.