Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ashoka Africa Young Changemakers Program 2019 (Fully Funded)

Ashoka believes that young people have the power to be lead changemakers within their communities. All they have to do is give themselves permission to solve the problems they see in their communities. But we are not just calling out to young people. To solve these problems, young people also need support from society–their parents, teachers, peers, and other adult allies. Hence Ashoka Africa is launching the call for application for young people Leading change in East Africa.
The AYCs have carefully selected youth, 12 to 20 years old, who are role model changemakers and want to be co-leaders with us. 20 Young Changemakers will be selected across Africa to form the inaugural of Ashoka Junior Fellows. This team of 20 will then be a part of an international delegation who will be brought together to form the AYC global team and convene during the month of June.

To be eligible for this opportunity, the young person will have to demonstrate that they have an original idea, formed and led a team, demonstrate leadership and impact and are ethical leaders within their communities.

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20 Young changemakers who fit the selection criteria will join the Ashoka Youth Network and:
  • Become Ashoka Africa junior Fellow and gain an opportunity for sub granting
  • Become peer ally to other young people to help kick-start their changemaking journeys
  • Co-facilitate Your Kids – sessions on parenting changemaking – for local companies, school boards and other adult organizations.
  • Help other young people get their changemaking power by bringing Ashoka’s series of LeadYoung stories to your school or other groups’ intranets or assemblies.
  • Engage with leading social entrepreneurs and thought leaders
  • Come up with your own ideas to spread young changemaking and test them in a supportive community

This opportunity is open to young people who:
  • Are between ages 12 to 20
  • Are from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and South-Sudan
  • Have an original idea and possess the inner drive to develop it into reality. “Their idea, Their Action, Their Impact.”
  • Young people who gave themselves permission to create change.
  • Lead society to a better future, which requires highly creative goal setting and how-tos.
  • He or she should be either scaling their idea or in the process of replicating their current solution to other locations and putting others in charge. 

How to Apply:
Please visit HERE for applying 

20 February 2019

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