Wednesday, July 11, 2018

International Postgraduate Abertay Scholarships United Kingdom

Abertay University, operating name for the University of Abertay Dundee since 2014, is one of two public universities in the city of Dundee, Scotland. The other is the University of Dundee. In 1872, Sir David Baxter, 1st Baronet of Kilmaron, left a bequest for the establishment of a mechanics' institute in Dundee and the Dundee Institute of Technology was formed in 1888. As early as 1902 it was recognised by the Scottish Education Department as an educational hub, and was one of the first to be designated a central institution, akin to an 'industrial university'. Abertay gained University status in 1994.

  • have been classified as international (overseas) fee status by Abertay University
  • have registered with Abertay University as a full-time student for your first postgraduate degree. Applicants who already hold a UK postgraduate degree are not eligible.
  • have met all the academic conditions attached to your offer of admission as a full-time student in September 2018 or January 2019
  • have obtained the equivalent of 2:1 UK Bachelors degree or above.

  • This £2,000 award is open to all prospective new international (non-EU) taught postgraduate (MSc/MProf) students who:
  • are international (non-EU) students who are domiciled outside of the UK
  • are classified as overseas fee status by Abertay University
  • are applying for postgraduate study with a 2:1 UK Bachelors degree equivalent or better
  • the award is paid in equal instalment in January and April.

How to Apply:
Please apply this scholarship through THIS LINK

